Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas 2020

 President Trump doesn't want to sign the painstakingly negotiated pandemic relief bill.  (See As of Christmas Eve, no relief is coming.  If you're in need, you're out of luck.  But try to hang on a little longer.  No one--not even a monster, demon, hobgoblin or ghoul--has ever succeeded in stealing Christmas.  It won't happen now.

‘Twas the night before Christmas,

And all through the house,

Not a creature was stirring,

Except a big louse.


Orange topped with a sneer,

Fish fillet on his tooth,

He scowled around and asked,

What can I do to be uncouth?


Take away their benefits,

Let them be evicted.

Instead, I’ll pardon,

My allies who’ve been convicted.


No stimulus payments

‘Cause the pandemic is fake.

If people are hungry,

Let them eat cake.


He built a Wall around the tree,

Hiding the presents and then walking,

To the fireplace to put

Lumps of coal in the stockings.


“Tell me I’m re-elected,”

He screamed with a harsh snort.

“Or I’ll impose martial law,

Because I’m a bad sport.”


But Christmas came anyway,

Bringing joy and good cheer.

Because the ogre lost the vote,

Better days will soon be here.