Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Nine Lives of the Dollar

With feline quickness, the dollar has again pulled out of its latest nosedive. Greeks came bearing gifts, in the form of a Euro bloc debt crisis, and investors worldwide suddenly found the greenback in their hearts. Two and a half months ago, the dollar was trading at more than $1.51 per Euro. Today, it closed below $1.38 per Euro. That's close to a 10% gain (approaching 50% on an annualized basis). We're not suggesting that you jump into the currency markets. But if you're an American, your passbook savings account just enjoyed a pop in Euro terms.

Late last year, many predicted the imminent transfer of the dollar to hospice care. These days, the dollar is dancing up a storm in swanky nightspots with an endless stream of partners. There's nothing like a good old fashioned financial crisis to put the pep back in the greenback's step.

The Chairman and governors of the Federal Reserve Board are probably sleeping better, as a strong dollar portends lower inflationary risk and widens their latitude to continue monetary accommodation. The administration is likely breathing more easily, since a strong dollar attracts capital to the mountains of Treasury securities that will have to be sold soon to finance the burgeoning federal deficit. Exporters are not pleased. But reality is that the government sector of the economy is more important these days than the private sector. Although that's a very big long term problem, no more than three or four people in America are focused on the long term, while the unemployed and everyone else are wondering about today, tomorrow and next week.

Wall Street is pleased, if only because the recent volatility of currencies and the stock market, and divergence in the bond markets (corporate debt is down, Treasuries are up), provide profit opportunities. Big money is made by the big banks when asset prices soar and swoop, and churn the stomachs of investors. Volatility creates trading opportunities for returns above long term market averages. In order to cash in on these trading opportunities, the big banks have to convince you, dear reader, to be a short term investor who trades in and out. That gives them commission income and market making profits. Fastidious, disciplined long term investors who know that .300 hitters hit a lot of singles and not so many home runs, and therefore don't trade a lot, are not ideal customers for the Street, even if they impudently become personally prosperous. (See

Legend tells us there are risks when Greeks come bearing gifts. A bailout for Greece is reportedly in the works. If so, the burden will fall mostly on Germany, the economic engine of the European Union. France will contribute a high five but not too much money. The Dutch will frown and dourly push a few Euros into the pot. The Germans will probably insist on stiff terms for Greek fiscal reform, and pretend not to hear sardonic asides about jack boots, Panzers, and aspirations for continental domination. The Euro bloc bailout will probably feel ragged, begrudged and fraught with political risk (such as rejection by the Greek government due to internal opposition). Other financially troubled nations in Europe may also look to Bonn for a bailout. The burdens of bailouts could slow down Europe's recovery, which might in turn hinder America's recovery. The dollar may yet again lose its shine.

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