Monday, February 20, 2012

Distribution of Income and Wealth is the Issue

As much as many politicians--mostly on the right--try to deny it, today's politics are all about the distribution of wealth and income. Democrats, with President Obama at the forefront, have made financial inequality a crucial element of their 2012 platform. Republicans argue against new taxes, and for the long term reduction of taxes and the shrinkage of the federal deficit. That, too, affects the distribution of financial resources, mostly in directions unfavorable to middle class and modest income households. Long term cuts, to be effective, would have to come to a large degree from Medicare and Medicaid, which verge on insolvency in the relatively near future. Social Security benefits may well shrink over time, although the cuts aren't likely to be apocalyptic. The 1% won't have to trim their sails much if the Republicans have their way. Most of the rest of us will notice the increased costs we would bear.

The Euro crisis is all about the distribution of economic resources. As a whole, Europe has more than enough money to resolve the sovereign debt crisis. But a lot of the money that would have to be paid out to bond vigilantes would come from the good burghers of northern Europe, and they have no appetite to cover chits signed by spendthrift members of the EU. Reality is the Europe isn't a whole, and its continental wealth isn't available to cover the debts of profligate nations. The thrifty don't want to distribute their wealth to the prodigal.

In China and India, even as substantial middle classes emerge with the turn toward capitalism, hundreds of millions remain mired in poverty. The governments of both nations, in different ways, grapple with difficult problems of distributing the fruits of growth. China also confronts a demographic problem far worse than America's; its principal solution to date has been to slash the safety net once provided by the iron rice bowl. Both nations equivocate when asked to commit large sums to bailing out Europe. How can they explain to their citizens why they should save much wealthier Europeans from themselves?

In times of brisk economic growth, the expanding size of the pie makes sharing easier. Stagnation, however, brings out harpies. Increasing growth is the obvious solution. But that, for sure, falls into the category of more easily said than done (for elaboration on this point, call Ben Bernanke, Fed Chairman and Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary).

Since the times when humans clung together in small groups of hunter-gatherers, distributional questions have existed. Hunting is a hit or miss process (pun intended), and the lucky hunter bringing down a deer would expect to share it with the entire group, just as the next day, another lucky hunter would share.

In a modern free enterprise system, protection of private property rights is important to provide incentives to work, save and invest. But market forces, alone, do not always produce distributions of financial rewards that comport with societal needs and norms. The demands of market-based economies altered social structures. Extended families disappeared as children reaching adulthood move hundreds and even thousands of miles away to find suitable jobs. Family-based safety nets evaporated as families splintered. But market forces make no provision for those injured on the job, the sick, the disabled, the laid-off or other unfortunates; and most certainly not for the elderly who no longer wish to or can work. Government programs were necessary to fill the gap.

There are no easy answers to distributional questions. But it's important to debate and decide them, because they are among the most crucial issues of the day. Trying to silence President Obama by accusing him of class warfare is tantamount to avoiding the central point in today's political dialogue. Whichever side you take on the question of the size of federal deficits, or the allocation of tax burdens, you're talking about the distribution of financial resources. A nation that faces up to the responsibility of dealing with this problem has a chance to reach the accommodations that lead to social harmony. A nation that ducks the issue and indulges in political mudslinging will face a grim future.

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