Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Politics Keep the Economic Crises Going

We are vividly reminded today that the economic crises bedeviling the world are political in nature.  The election deadlock in Italy, with leftists likely to control one house of the Italian Parliament, and rightists and leftists apparently in  a draw in the other house, is a vote against austerity and centralization of the EU's governance. Although the political nuances differ from Greece's initial anti-austerity vote last year, the Italian election, like Greece's, signals that numerous voters have yet to learn the words of the pan-European version Kumbaya.  Another election in Italy may well be needed, or the country will be unable to stay on track to meet the EU's expectations.

In America, sequestration now seems almost a certainty.  The arbitrary cuts imposed by sequestration were supposed to be unpalatable to either party, and would therefore incentivize both parties to cut a real deal.  Fat chance of that in these days of political dysfunction.  Truth is there won't be a real deal.  That's why the Dems and Republicans kicked the can down the road when the fiscal cliff loomed and the debt ceiling threatened to descend like the Sword of Damocles.  The government right now can do little more than bring its foot back for another kick.  The one silver lining in the clouds is that the economy seems to be recovering to some degree.  The better the economy does, the lower the deficit will be.  We should hope and work for economic growth, because that is the only politically feasible solution to the budget deficit.  The federal government needs to repair and upgrade infrastructure, adopt a pro-growth immigration policy, work hard to cut the growth of health care costs (perhaps the biggest expense in future federal budgets), and work toward supporting and expanding educational opportunities while reducing the cost of education.  (Internet-based instruction may be a great way to educate at much lower expense, and should be encouraged and supported.)  The current squabbling in Washington over budget cuts and tax increases is a game of musical chairs that no one can win.  We have to take a different approach.

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