Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Zen of Investing

How do you allocate your investment funds in times like these?  Stocks bound upwards for a couple of days when statistical data indicates the economy is slowing or a Fed governor smiles.  Then, the market nose dives crazily the next couple of days when oil prices rise or unemployment falls or another Fed governor frowns.  Bonds slump and then surge, or surge and then slump when inflation expectations rise or fall.  One constant in the financial markets is volatility.  Another is unpredictability.  And a third is no net gains--as in, for all the hysteria, stocks have hardly done squat this year.

The financial media is full of conflicting predictions--the market will boom, the market will crash--and conflicting advice--buy this, sell that, short the world and stock up on survivalist gear.  To paraphrase former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, things are unusually uncertain.

At times like this, the best option may be to step back from the chaos and cleanse your mind of desire.  At least, of desire for short term gains and avoidance of losses.  It's impossible to make money all the time, or to avoid all loss.  With entropy seemingly on the increase, any effort to make every day a good market day will have you believing six impossible things before breakfast and doing battle with windmills.

There's nothing wrong with holding cash, maybe even a lot of it.  Cash is beautiful.  A goodly amount in a federally insured bank account or U.S. Treasury debt promotes equanimity and sound sleep.  You will smile more.  There may be some who would argue that a fully invested, well-diversified, periodically rebalanced portfolio will provide better returns than a partially invested portfolio with a lot of cash.  This may be true in theory, but an awful lot of investors don't have the nerve to stay the course with a fully invested portfolio through the periodic mania of the markets.  They sell and freeze up, never again to invest, and potentially lose a great deal of future gains.  All the nice theory in the world doesn't amount to diddly if you're too stressed to implement the theory.  To maximize returns in real life, you have to be calm and unemotional.  And if doing that takes having bundle of greenbacks under the mattress, then so be it.  Don't feel the need to allocate every last dollar to something or other right away.  Hold off on betting your last buck until you feel comfortable.  Be zen, and increase your chances of becoming rich.

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