Monday, July 3, 2017

Buy Your Retirement

If you're having trouble saving for retirement, think of it this way:  your retirement is a purchase, and the more you spend, the more luxurious it will be.  Retirement is a purchase--you're buying rest, relaxation, entertainment and time to do whatever you want.  You may have to buy a fair amount of health care and other services such as lawn care, housekeeping and so on.  But whatever the case may be, the more money you have for retirement, the nicer it will be.  No need to think of saving as a sacrifice.  You aren't giving up things up.  You're simply spending for a better retirement instead of a bigger TV. 

So, if you can't save for retirement, then spend on your retirement. It will be one of the smartest purchases of your life.  For more, see,,,


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