Sunday, August 20, 2017

Any Questions About Crowd Size, Mr. President?

On August 19, 2017, a small group of white nationalist/supremacists and neo-Nazis held a rally on the Boston Commons.  It was a very small group, around a few dozen.   A vastly larger group of counterprotestors showed up--tens of thousands.  A picture is worth a thousand words.  Take a look:  

Contrary to what President Trump suggested a few days ago, there is no moral equivalence between advocating open-mindedness and equal rights for all, on the one hand, and bigotry, hate, and facism on the other.  The former is part of the bedrock of American democracy and the American Dream.  The latter is what millions of Americans fought against in World War II.  Got that, Mr. President? A lot of other people understand the point.

September 7, 2018 Update:  it turns out that the photos of Trump's inauguration taken by the National Park Service were altered to make the crowd look larger than it actually was, after calls from Trump and his then press secretary, Sean Spicer.  Fake news?

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