Saturday, March 21, 2020

In These Times of Coronavirus, Wash Your Face

With COVID-19 raging worldwide, we are told to wash our hands often, which in this case means very often.  We are also told not to touch our faces.  But who doesn't touch their face?  Do you wear glasses?  Does your cheek have a little itch?  Do you have to brush back the hair that fell over your eyes? 

Oddly, we aren't told to wash our faces.  But do it anyway, especially if you touched your face with a potentially tainted hand.  It won't provide absolute protection.  If you rub your eyes, the virus could get inside the eye and take root.  Same if you touch your lip and then run your tongue over it to keep it moist.  But if the virus is sitting on the surface of your skin after you adjusted your glasses, then face washing might get rid of it the same way hand washing gets the virus off the skin of your hand.  Give it a try.  Not washing your face is no solution.

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