Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ten Reasons to Keep Your SUV

With the price of gasoline rising every day, and the snide comments you get about a size 22 carbon footprint, you wonder whether to trade in the Behemoth Deluxe that takes up most of your driveway. Here are ten reasons to hold onto it.

10. The SUV is more comfortable to sleep in than a subcompact, which will matter after you lose your house to foreclosure.

9. The SUV can hold more of your things than a subcompact, which will matter after you lose your house to foreclosure.

8. A big SUV still carries the aura of prosperity, which will matter after you lose your house to foreclosure.

7. It’s tough to do Lab rescue with a subcompact, and you’re not ready for a minivan.

6. You can’t take your baby, and your baby’s bouncy seat, playpen and fold-up crib to Grandma’s in a subcompact, and you’re not ready for a minivan.

5. You’re not ready for a minivan.

4. You don’t like self-righteous people to tell you what to do.

3. You don’t like bike riding, car sharing, self-righteous people to tell you what to do.

2. You don’t like bike riding, car sharing, self-righteous people who litter the world with their plastic water bottles and styrofoam food containers to tell you what to do.

1. If you have to give up your SUV, your $20,000 bass boat might be the next sacrifice, and we aren’t going there.

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